Flutter’s architecture empowers great user experience

Declarative syntax
With Flutter’s declarative syntax you simply describe what your
user interface should do. For example, use a Row to layout a Text
and Icon widget horizontally. It’s easy to learn and maintain.

Native performance
Impeller, Flutter’s rendering engine, talks directly to the Metal graphics API making Flutter apps fast and flexible. No abstractions over system UI components.
Learn more about Impeller
Interoperability with Apple
When you create a Flutter iOS app, your Flutter code is automatically embedded into a native Runner app. This allows you to talk directly to Apple’s APIs, integrate with Apple’s developer tooling and features, or add Flutter to an existing iOS app.
Flutter on iOS
Design Tools
With Flutter, design can be involved in every step in the development journey.
- Leverage pre-built components from the Material and Cupertino (iOS-style) libraries, or create your own custom design systems.
- Create stunning animations with tools like Rive and Lottie.
- Use hot reload to see design changes instantly.
- Prototype ideas directly in the browser with drag-and-drop tools like FlutterFlow, or web-based IDEs like Zapp.run.
- Preview UIs in multiple configurations, directly in continuous delivery processes, with Widgetbook.
Developer stories
See how Flutter is helping iOS developers
Start learning about Flutter for iOS
Case studies